10 Reasons Your Life is Better When You Eliminate Social Media!


I know what you’re thinking: “You can’t convince me to get rid of my phone and social media! That will never happen.” But I am here to tell you that it is possible. 

It took me a while, but I finally realized that there is a better way to live life than through our phones and computers. And the more I eliminated social media (and replaced it with real life), the happier I was. 


Here are 10 reasons why eliminating social media is better for your life:

1. Your Relationship With Your Significant Other Will Improve.

You may be wondering how you are going to manage your social life while you’re away from social media. This is a good question because it’s important that you have enough time to spend with your friends and family. When you spend less time on social media, it will allow you more time for other activities in your life, like going out with friends or having dinner together as a couple.

Social media can also cause problems in relationships between people who don’t spend much time together anymore because they’re too busy checking their phones constantly! So if possible, try not using any apps or websites that require constant access by either one of them (you know who they are).



2. Your Real Friendships Will Flourish.

Social media is not a replacement for real human interaction. It’s a delusion. It can be a distraction from real life, and it’s easy to lose sight of what matters most when you’re caught up in the minutia of your online life.

Real friendships are harder to maintain because they require more work on your part than social media does—but they’re also more meaningful (and less about surface-level connections).



3. You Will Be More In The Moment.

If you’re constantly looking at social media, you’ll never be able to fully immerse yourself in the moment. You’ll always be distracted by your phone or computer screen, preventing you from fully experiencing what’s going on around you.

Social media is also a time suck—you spend all day scrolling through posts and pictures that don’t even matter anymore (although they did when they were posted).

And finally, it’s an escape from real life; instead of focusing on what’s happening right now, most people are spending hours each day playing with their phones while they wait for something else to happen later on.

When we’re out of touch with reality for long periods of time (as most people are), we often feel guilty about not being present with our friends and family members who are still there in person instead of online chatting with them via text message or the Facebook Messenger app.

And this guilt only leads us back into our screens because we want those people back around us even more than before!



4. You Will Get More Done.

Social media is often a distraction. It can be addictive as well as a time waster. If you’re on social media, chances are that you don’t have a ton of real-life responsibilities. That means you may well find yourself spending hours upon hours each day scrolling through your newsfeed or updating your status.

This isn’t healthy! It’s important to take breaks from social media so that you don’t become overstressed or overwhelmed by the content being posted on these platforms (and even if it isn’t stressful for now, eventually this will happen).


5. You Won’t Compare Yourself To Others.

Social media is full of comparisons. You see what your friends are doing and think that you should be doing the same things, so you start comparing yourself to them. This can make you feel bad about yourself, because it makes you believe that there’s something wrong with who you are or how happy your life is compared to theirs.

It also makes us compare ourselves with others in general—not just celebrities or people we know personally, but even fictional characters in books and movies! 

We see how happy these fictional characters seem on social media accounts and assume our own lives must not be as good as theirs because they seem happier than we do (even though maybe they aren’t).



6. You Will Sleep Better At Night.

Social media can become addictive; the danger is that you will not realize it.

Social media is a distraction that keeps you from focusing on the important things in life, like sleep and work. It can cause anxiety and depression when a person spends more time on the internet than they should. This leads to sleepless nights and feelings of isolation, which are not healthy for anyone!



7. You Will Live A Stronger, Healthier Life.

Social media can be harmful to your mental health. It’s not just the amount of time spent on it that’s a problem, but also how much you’re actually doing when you’re on social media. 

A lot of people have said that they feel “addicted” to their phones and laptops, which is certainly an accurate description—but it doesn’t mean they’re happy about it!

Social media has been linked with feelings like loneliness and anxiety because people spend so much time looking at other people’s lives instead of focusing on their own. When we scroll through photos from our friends’ parties or see the latest news from around the world (or even just read reviews about restaurants).

We don’t see ourselves in what those people post; instead, we only see parts of them—and this makes us feel like less than whole beings ourselves (and maybe even too caught up in comparison).



8. You Can Actually Make New Friends In The Real World . . . and Keep Them.

When you’re on social media, you’re often surrounded by people who are just like you or worse-off than yourself. You may have had a friend who was struggling with depression or anxiety.

But it’s difficult to connect with them in such an environment because they would be so few and far between. 

The same goes if your friend, for example, has always struggled with their weight or body image issues—it’s harder when there are so many other people doing similar things around you that reinforce these negative thoughts and feelings while encouraging their behaviors.

If someone sees how well I’m doing now, they’ll think “wow! She had all those problems before?” They won’t see how hard I’ve worked; instead, they’ll focus on my positive attributes rather than my past failures (or at least try not too).



9. Your Mental Health Will Benefit From It.

In fact, it’s been linked to depression and anxiety-related symptoms because of how the brain responds to social rejection. The constant need for validation and attention from each individual on your feed can lead you to feel like you’re missing out on something.

If you don’t have an account—and that leads to feelings of inadequacy when compared with others who seem more successful or popular on social media platforms.

What’s more, is that these negative emotions aren’t limited just within yourself; they also affect those around us too! 

When we are unhappy with ourselves or our situations in life (or simply bored), we tend to reflect those feelings outwardly through our online posts rather than venting them internally, where they belong…which only makes things worse!



10. Life Is Better When You Live It In The Present Instead Of Living It Through Your Phone Or Computer Screen.

It’s a way of living in the past, present, and future all at once. Your phone or computer screen is constantly taking you away from what’s happening right now—and when we’re not fully immersed in our immediate surroundings, it can be hard to remember how much better life can be without constant distractions like social media.

When you stop scrolling through your feed and start paying attention to what’s going on around you, there are so many more things that make life worth living: love letters written by people who are no longer here; dogs running free; children playing outside; laughter ringing out across an empty field…


Eliminate Social Media for Better Life

Social media is not real life. It’s not a good way to find friends, and it’s not a good way to keep in touch with people. Social media does not help you stay informed; instead, it can make you misinformed about what’s really going on in the world around us. And finally, social media isn’t even good for building your brand!



There are many more benefits of eliminating social media, and if you’re looking for a better life, I hope this article helped you realize why it’s worth doing. Social media is not real life, and if you want to live your life in a better way, then stop obsessing over what other people are doing on their phones or checking their notifications every time they open them up. It might be difficult at first—but I promise it will get easier over time!

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