7 Must-Have Skills of a Leader For Better Business Execution

Learning leadership skills is an inevitable necessity of being a good leader. Leaders never stop learning. Developing skills is the one breakthrough for better execution.

You may already be a leader or aspire to be a leader and want to develop your leadership skills.

The hard part of skill development is identifying the right skills for you to succeed as a leader.

Any skill can be learned. You only need the commitment to learn.

In this article, you will find ideas on steps to improve leadership skills and the top leadership skills.


Simple Steps to Improve Leadership Skills

  • Find out what you are lacking and work more on those leadership skills. Make sure they will add value to you.
  • Decide and reduce time spent on activities that don’t add value to your life.
  • Start doing things now that you need to be doing in the future. These should be what you are not doing currently, which is out of your comfort zone.
  • Evaluate and stop activities you are currently doing that no longer add value to you and are eating up your time.




1. Influence

You need to know how to influence others effectively. A common mistake we make is trying to influence everyone with one single approach.

You cannot influence one person in the same way that you influence another. People are different; their sets of requirements are different from one another.

You need to understand and connect with them before you influence them. Find out what motivates them, their values, and what they like and don’t.

Having a better understanding will give you the advantage of influencing others effectively.


2. Self-learning

If you are not learning, you are heading for trouble. You need to constantly learn and bring more value to the marketplace.

With standard education, you will not achieve the extraordinary results you want.

Do not follow what everyone is learning. Select what is most relevant to your niche and invest time in learning it.

Self-education is made easy with today’s technology. Online learning has made self-education reachable, and you can search for knowledge anytime and everywhere.


3. Problem Solving

Most entrepreneurs’ biggest challenge is not having the right idea to succeed in a business.

You don’t necessarily have to be an innovator to solve problems.

A good example is that Apple didn’t invent the Mouse, Xerox did. What Apple did was better solve the customer’s problem than any other company and monetized successfully.

Be Obsessed with looking at things differently and finding ideas.

You can learn what things work well and better execute them than anyone else.

Develop the skill of asking the right questions to find better answers.

Associating with people who think differently than you will teach you a new perspective on problems.


4. Planning

Leaders should have a clear idea of what they are doing in business.

Some leaders don’t focus on the areas in which they are not interested.

For example, business leaders who are more into marketing don’t look into finance, or if they concentrate more on manufacturing, they may ignore looking at HR.

You need to have regular meetings with your team at least once a week to keep your business plan alive.

Learn to be proactive as a leader rather than finding answers after you hit a roadblock.

Set directions, decide priorities, and align your team according to your strategic plan.


5. Deal with Failure

Failure is learning. True, but to what extent will you accept failure?

Failure causes frustration and breaks the momentum. Failure can be described as something that you give up permanently.

Successful leaders learn fast from failure and adjust themselves immediately. One other way to handle failure is to learn from others’ failures.

Learn from successful people who have already gone through this business life cycle and overcome failure successfully. 

Apply the winning process to how they process what they went through.


6. Priority Management

You cannot manage time because you won’t get more than 24 hours a day. What you can manage are your priorities.

When everything seems urgent, important ideas are left behind by trying to focus on everything.

Make a list of priorities that will help you achieve your goals.

Let go of the activities that are taking too much time and not giving any results.

Focus on your wildly important goals.

For example, if your key goal is to increase your sales revenue from $1 million to $5 million, give priority to activities around that.


7. Execution

You may have good ideas, but without execution, those good ideas are worthless.

You may be left behind with your work to accomplish with Excuses and distractions. A day or week, you may feel that you have not done anything productive.

One strategy to better execution is having a scientific method of measurement of progress.

Measure things that you can influence every day, every week, or every month.

Lead behavior measurement is a good practical method to track your execution.

For example, if you are a salesperson, measure not only the weekly sales you close, but also the number of prospect calls you to make in a day.


Final Thoughts

Skill development is a process, you can’t do it overnight. But certainly, the skills can be learned and mastered over time.

A key difference between successful and unsuccessful leaders is how well they manage their skills and priorities.

Remember that people who started with nothing ended up as great leaders.

Share your thoughts with us about which skill you want to improve to succeed as a leader.

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