8 Small Changes You Can Make To Get More Things Done Everyday

We all want to be more productive, get more things done, and achieve our life goals. You know what, rather than waiting for the big change, small changes can make a big difference in your day-to-day productivity.

You have already found out that the big changes and New Year resolutions you made haven’t gotten you anywhere. There’s nothing wrong with thinking big, but bigger tasks are sometimes overwhelming. Usually, we start doing some activities for a few days and drop halfway without completing any.

Dropping out of your tasks halfway may make you feel like an unsuccessful person and lead to procrastination.

In this article, you will find eight small changes you can make effortlessly to improve your life every day. These tiny habits will give better compound results than you think.


1. Place Your Alarm 10 Feet Away From Your Bed

Getting up early every day is one big task for many. You may have written in your journal to wake up at 6 a.m. and start your day. How many times have you pressed the snooze button and scrolled in bed for hours?

Keep your alarm at a distance that you can’t easily reach from your bed. In this way, you are compelled to get up from bed to reach your alarm and wake up.


2. Include A Personal Task In Your Daily To-Do List

How many of you write a to-do list every day filled with only work-related tasks? Most of us prioritize our business work and neglect our personal well-being in our daily schedule. Your personal wellbeing impacts your work-life productivity to a greater extent.

Have at least one personal task for a day, like exercising for 30 minutes or calling someone you love whom you have not called in a long time. This habit will make your day complete, and you won’t feel guilty when you go to bed.


3. Journal Your Achievements

You have reached your current status with your successes and failures. You would have had many wins regardless of whether they were small or big. People tend to remember their failures more than wins to make an excuse to avoid the next task. The appreciation you got may have been forgotten with time, so don’t remember that moment.

Make a habit of keeping a journal and recording your victories and appreciations, no matter how small or large they are.

Particularly when you are down or self-doubt yourself, looking back on those notes really pulls you up from the negatives. It reminds you of what you are good at and helps you improve on your strengths.


4. Carry A Water Bottle

Drinking water is one health habit that you can follow very easily. We ignore simple health habits and plan for complex food plans, diets, etc.

Carry a handy water bottle wherever you go and get in the habit of drinking a lot of water.

Carrying a water bottle with you will keep reminding you that you need to drink water. Drinking water prevents dehydration, helps clear thinking, results in mood change, and more.


5. Eat Healthily

Busy work lives make us crave fast food and neglect healthy eating. Junk food is purposefully made to be easy to consume and easy to store in your home. It’s part of their business.

You can counter this by not bringing junk foods or unhealthy snacks into your home. This will make it difficult to access junk food easily in your home.

Try to avoid processed foods and invest in consuming organic foods to improve the quality of your health.


6. Place The Mobile Upside-down

You know that the mobile phone is one major distraction to focus and our mental health. The “zero inbox syndrome” will tempt you to clear your inbox all the time.

When you keep your mobile facing up, it’s natural that you are tempted to check the phone, even if it’s in silent mode. Notifications and scrolling down your screen drag you out of our priorities unknowingly.

Simply keep your mobile facing upside down when you need to focus on something or when you need to have your own time.


7. Write Your Day Plan

Digital note-taking and calendar reminders are definitely more efficient, faster, easier, and more accessible in the long run. University of Tokyo study shows that handwritten notes are more effective than digital note-taking and have more engagement with your work.

Every day before going to bed, write down your next day’s To-Do list or schedule by hand. You will be more productive and engaged with your work when you physically write and think on paper.


8. Silent Time

From the time we wake up in the morning, we do a lot of things and are engaged in many things. We work, spend time with friends and family, shop, scroll through our mobiles, and the list goes on.

You don’t notice that you are keeping yourself away from being mindful of your daily tasks.

Set aside 10-minutes of silent time alone for yourself every day. Sit in a quiet place and do nothing. You can also go for a walk alone or meditate for 10 minutes.

During this time, think about the things you are grateful for and appreciate what you have.


Final Thoughts

Remember that making changes once in a while will not have any impact on you. You can expect to get the desired results by making changes on a regular basis. Start making these changes and follow through consistently. You will observe the compound improvements in your life.

Try at least a few of the above changes for a couple of weeks. Undoubtedly, you will see a major improvement in your productivity.

Share with us what changes you are going to try and any other changes you want to make to improve your life.

1 thought on “8 Small Changes You Can Make To Get More Things Done Everyday”

  1. Pingback: 10 Timeboxing Strategies to Increase Productivity and Achieve More in Less Time

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