7 Best Ways to Stay Productive When Working Long Hours

Why Do I Have To Work So Much?

Working is a part of life, and it’s something that we all have to go through. We work to make a living and provide for ourselves and our families. But the question is, why do we have to work so much?

You may be chasing happiness, money, freedom, achievement, status, or any other social influence. Regardless of any cause, working hard and spending long hours may not give you the results you expect sometimes.

This article will explore why we have to work so much in the first place, what the consequences of working so much are, and how you can be more productive for long hours of your day.


Working Long Hours Can Be Dangerous

Measuring the number of hours you work and determining how many hours are harmful can vary from person to person. If your workweek is approximately 40 hours or 8 hours per day, anything a little more than that may be acceptable at times.


What would your ideal workweek look like?

With your current job and responsibilities, you can think of which would be ideal for your work-life balance.

  • 4 x 10 Hour days
  • 4 x 8 Hour days
  • 5 x 6 Hour days
  • 5 x 8 Hour days


Keeping the arguments aside, we’ll look at the frequent dangers of working long hours.

  • Deprivation of sleep
  • Leads to depression
  • Leads less productivity
  • Impacts your focus



1. Take A Break Every Hour

When working on something important for an extended period of time, taking breaks may help you stay focused. Take advantage of these opportunities to re-energize and re-motivate yourself to return to work.

Do not waste time scrolling through social media. You may instead read a tangible book or an interesting blog. You can also take a quick 10-to-20-minute nap during one of your breaks.

2. Take a Walk at Lunchtime

Simply step out of your office and take a walk outside to breathe some fresh air. Allow some blood to flow by taking a short walk and stretching. Just being in nature might help you relax and feel more energized.

Try to avoid sitting down again after having your lunch.

Get up from your desk and move around for at least 5 minutes every hour.

3. Plan Your Day Ahead of Time

Have your day planned with what needs to be done and when it needs to be done by each day before you come to work.

Schedule your tasks according to your priorities and follow the time blocking technique. Organize your similar tasks into time blocks to be more focused and avoid context switching.

4. Use Your Biological Clock Wisely

Everyone’s biological clock appears to be different. Keep track of the times of day when you’re most productive and when your energy begins to wane. When planning your day, make a plan that takes your energy band highs and lows into account.

 This way, you can plan your tasks based on your mental clarity peaks and stop feeling like you’re constantly working against your inner routine.


5. Get Enough Sleep

Many folks stress the importance of having a better sleep schedule because it is so important for your health and productivity.

This is nothing new to you, but you take advantage of it by trying to work long hours. According to reports, people who are sleep-deprived take longer to complete tasks and think less creatively. 

Create a bedtime routine and stick to it without compromising. Caffeine should be avoided 6 to 8 hours before bedtime, and cell phone use should be avoided an hour before.


6. Use Your Mobile Phone Wisely

Put your phone away during work hours and use it only when you need to make or answer calls. Set a time to check emails or text messages from someone else who is not in the same room as you are right now.

Use Focus Apps to eliminate distractions while working and to prevent you from visiting wasteful websites or social media.

7. Boost Your Work-Life Balance

Remember that, in the end, you and your loved ones are more important than your work.

It is true that your busy work can not always be avoided. But don’t let work consume all of your free time. Make time to unwind at the end of the day and week.

Hence, when you plan your work, reserve scheduled time for yourself to move your body and self-care. Spend quality time with your loved ones and engage in fun activities.


Final Thoughts

Sometimes, you may not have much choice but to work long hours due to various factors. Accelerating your career and getting yourself rewarded is important to being successful. However, try to maintain a healthy work-life balance and work smarter rather than harder.

Focus on the 80/20 principle and prioritize what gives you the greatest return and eliminate anything unproductive from your day.

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